Monday, April 19, 2010

broken but immuned

I still remember the cold breeze of the christmas season then.
December 23,instead of the merriment and the sound of the 'jingle bells,' here comes the feeling of misery.

I felt that it is holy week, where we reminice how Jesus crucified.

Like Jesus, I bleed.

I bleed all the anguish of having no father at home.

I bleed because of the taste of being torn between who among my parents would I spend my christmas.

I bleed because I am not used to this.

I bleed all the blood. I'm drained.I die because of all the uncertainties in life.

But like the son of God, I am revived.

I've return to the real world to bear all the realities of life.

I accepted all the pain, the tears, the disappointments, the failures, the decitfeulness, the struggles, the lapses and everything the world can offer.

These nade me fall. I fell in the realization that I am stronger than before. Strong enough to get up and continue my race. I am able to fly and revive the dreams I onced lost.

I onced been broke but now I am immuned.Gluck!

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